Our Company is specialised in the development and production of technical items in vulcanised elastomers, with particular expertise in the automotive sector.

ATG is dedicated to co-designing with its Customers and is constantly searching for technical solutions for improvement and competitiveness in consideration of how the product is used.


  • SOFFIETTO PORTELLONE- <em>door to body bellows</em>
  • GUARNIZIONE PASSACAVI - <em>seals for cable connections</em>
  • CINGHIA DI TRASCINAMENTO - <em>pulling belt</em>
  • CURVA CONDOTTO ARIA - <em>air duct curve</em>
  • GUARNIZIONE PARAFIAMMA - <em>firewall grommet</em>
  • GUARNIZIONE PARAFIAMMA - <em>firewall grommet</em>
  • GUARNIZIONI INTERNE MULTIVIE - <em>mat seals</em>
  • V-RING - <em>v-ring</em>
  • GUARNIZIONE PER CONNETTORE MULTIVIA - <em>multisectioning seal for cable connections</em>
  • CAPPUCCIO MULTIVIE - <em>multisectioning cap</em>
  • CAPPUCCIO - <em>cap</em>
  • GUARNIZIONI SINGOLE DI TENUTA - <em>single wire seals</em>
